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Help continue our success


Thanks to increasing support and enthusiasm we have successfully kicked off the Friends and the planned restoration of the Oregon Caves Chateau. We have completed what we believe is a remarkable year with numerous accomplishments in pursuit of our goal of restoring the Chateau. The rare cave geology, historic Chateau and breathtaking views at the Oregon Caves National Monument have been enjoyed by families for over 100 years. That is why I am writing to you. I would like to ask you to join me in a very special opportunity.

After visiting the caves in 1907, Joaquin Miller wrote an article about his experience in the cave for Sunset Magazine. This was the first nationwide coverage of the caves. Due to the urging of Miller, C.B. Watson, and other influential people, the caves were declared a National Monument by President William Howard Taft in 1909.

Built during the recession of 1934, the Chateau is a National Landmark and considered one of the best examples of rustic architecture in the Park Service. The architect Gust Lium used amazing ingenuity in the design and construction. But the Chateau is need of attention after so many years. It is the last of Oregon’s three grand lodges to be restored.

The Friends of the Oregon Caves and Chateau is a non-profit organization cooperating with the National Park Service (NPS) in the preservation, stewardship and improvement of the cultural and natural resources of the Oregon Caves National Monument. We will help raise project donations and capital funds to restore and improve the facilities, and to involve the community and visitors in the future plans of the monument.

How you can help:

  • Become a Founder of the Friends, with a donation of $1000 or more.
  • Join the restoration of the Model Room with a gift of $100 or more.
  • Honor a friend or relative by supporting the full restoration of one of the 23 guest rooms.

Thanks for considering my request. I would not ask were I not committed to the effort myself; my fellow board members join me in this sentiment. The benefits are many, but the real benefit from supporting the Friends of the Oregon Caves and Chateau will be to future generations, who will recognize that while there was still time to act, there were those who did. Please join us today.

With sincere thanks,
James R. Dole
Chairman of the Board
Grants Pass, Oregon